Academic Word Suggestion Machine
Arda Arýkan (Personal webpage)
arXiv (Repesitory of electronic preprints)
Australian Education Index Journals
B. Kumaravadivelu (Personal webpage)
Brian Martin (Personal webpage)
Complete Lexical Tutor (Data-driven language learning)
Copac (UK & Irish library catalogues)
Copy, Shake, and Paste (by Debora Weber-Wulff)
Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
CRASSH (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities)
CROW (Corpus & Repository of Writing)
David Nunan (Personal webpage)
Epigeum – Oxford University Press (Online courses)
ERIC (The Education Resources Information Center)
Events by Cambridge English Language Assessment
Flourish (Data visualization and storytelling)
IRIS (Data collection instruments for ESL/EFL researchers)
iTenticate (Text matching software)
Jack C. Richards (Personal webpage)
Josef Schmied (Institutional webpage)
Language Testing resources (Glenn Fulcher)
OASIS (Open Accessible Summaries in Language Studies)
PQDT Open: Full text open access dissertations and theses
Proctorio (Integrity platform)
Questia (Trusted online research)
Rebecca Moore Howard (Personal webpage)
SciELO SA (South Africa Scientific Electronic Library Online)
SOBIAD (Turkish Social Sciences Citation Search Engine)
SSCI indexed journal list – Thomson Reuters
Stephen D Krashen (Personal webpage) (Text matching software) (Universities in Europe)
TeacherTrainingVideos.Com (By Russell Stannard)
TIRF (The International Research Foundation for English Language Education)
Theses & Dissertations (The Florida State University)
The Linguist List (International Linguistics Community Online)
The Multilingual Awareness Raising and Support
TOAD (Research inventory index of Turkey)
Turnitin (Text matching software)
Urkund (Text matching software)
Will A. Renandya (Personal webpage)
WolframAlpha (Knowledge engine)
Wrike (Project management tool)
Zetoc (Academic search engine)
Zoltan Dörnyei (Personal webpage)
AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics)
ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)
AERA (American Educational Research Association)
AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics)
ALLEA (All European Academies)
ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe)
APA (American Psychological Association)
APFEI (Asia Pacific Forum on Educational Integrity)
ASA (American Sociological Association)
ATE (The Association of Teacher Educators)
BAAL (The British Association for Applied Linguistics)
BERA (British Educational Research Association)
CAL (Center for Applied Linguistics)
CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium)
COST (European Cooperation in Science & Technology)
EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction)
EASA (Education Association of South Africa)
EATAW (European Association of Teaching Academic Writing)
ENAI (European Network for Academic Integrity)
ENRIO (European Network of Research Integrity Offices)
ETICO (Ethics and Corruption in Education)
EUA (European University Association)
IALIC (International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication)
IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology)
IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language)
ICAI (International Center for Academic Integrity)
ILTA (International Language Testing Association)
IJEI (International Journal for Educational Integrity)
IRAFPA (Institute of Research and Action on Fraud and Plagiarism in Academia)
JALT (The Japan Association for Language Teaching)
LSA (Linguistic Society of America)
NRIN (Netherlands Research Integrity Network)
SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education)
TESOL International Association
TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)
TUBA (Turkish Academy of Science)
ULEAD (International Association of Educational Researchers)
WERA (World Education Research Association)
WIDA (Academic language development)
Related Journals
Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education
Canadian Modern Language Review
International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
Journal of English for Academic Purposes
Journal of Research in Reading
Journal of Second Language Writing
Language and Intercultural Communication
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience
Language, Culture and Curriculum
Language Learning & Technology
statcheck (Check statistical errors)
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Related Open Access Journals
Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies
Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics (AJAL)
Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics
CLELE Journal (Children’s Literature in English Language Education)
Dialogues: An Interdisciplinary Journal of English Language Teaching and Research
EJER (Eurasian Journal of Educational Research)
Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (e-FLT)
ELTED (English Language Teacher Education and Development)
English for Specific Purposes World
ESTP (Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice)
FQS (Forum: Qualitative Social Research)
GIST Education and Learning Research Journal
Hacettepe University the Journal of Education
IES (International Education Studies)
IJGE (International Journal of Global Education)
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics
International Education Journal
International Journal for Educational Integrity
International Journal of English Studies (IJES)
International Journal of Global Education
International Journal of Progressive Education
IOSR (Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences)
Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research (IJLTR)
JIER (The Journal of International Education Research)
Journal of Academic Language and Learning
Journal of Languages and Culture
Journal of Literature and Language Education
Journal of Response to Writing
Journal of Second Language Teaching and Research
Journal of the European Second Language Association (JESLA)
Journal of the Imagination in Language Learning
Journal of Theory and Practice in Education
JSSH (Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
JTLA (The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment)
Language Learning & Technology
Papers in Language Testing and Assessment
PASAA: A Journal of Language Teaching and Learning
Social Behavior and Personality
South African Journal of Education
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
TESL-EF (Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language)
TEwT (Teaching English with Technology)
The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics (AJAL)
The Australian Journal of Teacher Education
The IAFOR Journal of Language Learning
The Journal of International Social Research
The Owl (The Florida State University Undergraduate Research Journal)
TODJE (The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education)
TOJET (The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology)
TRJ (Translational Research Journals)
Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics
Teacher Resources
All ESL (Materials for teachers)
American English (for teachers and learners of EFL)
BFI Film Forever (Teaching packs)
CC Creative Commons (Share knowledge through legal tools)
China by Teaching (Teaching jobs in China)
Class Tools (Create educational games, activities etc.)
Clip Syndicate (Video syndication platform)
CNN Student News (Videos for classrooms)
Council of Europe – Language Policy Unit
Crocodoc Personal (View & comment on any document)
CuePrompter (Online teleprompter)
Cybersecurity in Education Resource
Darren Elliott's interview with me on teaching culture
Dealhack (Teacher discounts guide)
Developing Teachers (for the developing language teacher)
DotSub (Create and view subtitles for videos)
EAQUALS (Excellence in Language Education)
ELT News (for English language teachers)
ESL Basics (Videos for ESL/EFL learners)
ESL Galaxy (Teacher resources)
ESL Lounge (Teacher resources)
English Teaching Professional (Teacher resources)
Flickr (Advanced search photos)
Glogster Edu (Explore and create educational content)
informed (Discussions for teachers)
iSLCOLLECTIVE (Printables, projects and teaching tips)
Kahoot (Create, play and share games)
Knoji (Discounts for teachers and educators)
LangMedia Culture Talk (Videos and interviews from different countries)
Lanternfish (Teacher resources)
Learn at home (Oxford University Press distance learning support)
Learn English Today (Teacher resources)
Lesson Pick (Teacher resources)
Lingua Press (Teacher resources)
Listen A Minute (Listening resources)
Little Bird Tales (Create digital stories)
LiveBinders (Organize resources in an online binder)
MES English (Free printables for teachers)
MIT Open Courseware (Free course materials)
Morgue File (Free photo achieve)
Next Vista (Videos and speaking activities)
One Stop English (Teacher resources)
Open Educational Resources (Digital library and network)
Oxford University Press (Free teacher resources)
Pimpampun (Vocabulary visualizer)
PiratePad (Write collaborative texts)
PowToon (Online animated presentation)
Prezi (Create highly visual presentations)
Psychology Education Resource Guide
Quietube (Video without distractions)
Quizlet (Free simple teaching and learning tools)
Reelgood (Find teacher related movies)
SchoolTube (Videos from students and teachers)
Sign Generator (Create free graphics/cliparts and e-cards)
Story Center (Digital stories)
Tagxedo (Word cloud with styles)
Teacher’s guide to cybersecurity
Teachers Pay Teachers (Teaching resources)
TeacherTube (Instructional videos) (ESL EFL teaching resources)
Teach with Movies (Movie-based lesson plans)
Ted Talks (Videos on education)
TELC (Teaching English in Large Classes) Network
TextEvaluator (Assess text complexity)
The ELT Newsletter (The web forum for teachers of English)
The Lives of Teachers (Interviews)
Tricider (Collect ideas and vote)
UE (Using English – ESL teacher resources)
VEED.IO (Add subtitles to video)
Voki (Create customized speaking characters)
Voxopop (A voice-based e-learning tool) (Educational videos)
Wikimedia (Media file repository)
YouTube Teachers (Videos for teachers)
EFL Learners
Better @ English (Speaking practice)
Effortless English (Video and blog posts)
ESL Fast (Practice speaking with an online robot)
Fluency MC (Speak English fluently)
FreeBookNotes (Homework resource guide)
ierest: Intercultural educational resources for Erasmus students and their teachers
Kimberly Chapman (Essay writing)
Learn English Kids (British Council)
LEO Network (Learn English Free)
Marking Mate (Check your writing)
PaperRater (Online proofreader)
Paragraph Punch (Paragraph writing tutorial)
ProWritingAid (Improve your writing)
Public Speaking Speech Topics and Ideas
SAS Writing Reviser (Revise your writing)
Self-education sites for lifelong learners
Speak English Today (Network of teachers and students)
Spoken English (Spoken English grammar)
Tips for academic writing (Dr. Lisa Lines Blog)
VOA Learning English (American English)
Vodien (Online games for kids)
WIZ IQ (Free spoken online practice tests)
WriteAway (Shows patterns while writing)
WriteSpeakEnglish (Free educational platform)
Free Ebooks
Crazy animals and other activities for teaching young learners